Southeast Tech users have access to cloud storage through Microsoft's OneDrive, a part of Office365. This allows users to save up to 1 TB of data to the cloud and access these files from anywhere on a variety of devices. OneDrive sets your files to be private by default, but also allows for easy file sharing when necessary. Shared files can be edited in Office Online and can be edited in the online format by multiple users at once for real-time collaboration.

Your OneDrive account is attached to your Southeast Tech user ID, so it is recommended that you use this storage for your class-related files only.

Access to your OneDrive will automatically deactivate when your email account is removed (1 semester after graduation, or immediately upon withdrawal from Southeast Tech).


Your Southeast Tech OneDrive files can be accessed from anywhere by going to


If you'd like to learn more about how to use OneDrive, additional information can be found on Microsoft's Support Site.